HIV / AIDS Programme Additional Healthcare Service
As a valued member of Nammed Medical Aid Fund, you have access to our dedicated HIV/AIDS Programme, tailored to your individual needs and managed with complete privacy and confidentiality through our Managed Care Department.
- Treatment tailored to your needs
- Full access to a medical facility during the period of related illness
- Approval of all HIV/AIDS medications
- Approval of all additional supporting medication such as vitamins and antibiotics
- Related pathology or blood tests paid from available day-to-day benefit
Your health and wellbeing are our priority, and we are committed to supporting you in achieving optimal health and a brighter future.
Join the Nammed’s medical aid fund HIV/AIDS Programme today to strive for a healthier future.
Note: The Trauma Option does not include day-to-day benefits and therefore excludes the HIV/AIDS Programme benefit. The HIV/AIDS benefit on the Basic Option differs from the standard programme.
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis will automatically pay from your wellness benefit for the period of one month’s supply.
Side Pannel

Life Stages


- Beginning Employment.
- Low - Medium Income,
- Low Health needs,
- For unexpected medical needs.


Nest Builders
- Seek value rather than cheapest option.
- Need cover for expected medical needs for the young family..


- Middle to High income levels,
- Medical Aid is a routine monthly expense,
- stable health needs,


Grey Foxes
- Moving towards retirement,
- Health risks and prevalence of chronic diseases increasing,


Wise Owls
- Members approaching or in retirement,
- Increased prevelance of chronic diseases,
- Greater importance of extent of cover for major medical events like knee & hip replacements.